Return Policy

Dear customer,hello, please check whether the package is damaged before signing the order, whether the products in the package are intact. If you find any problems with the goods, you can apply for the return service within 7 days after you signed for your parcel. Our main service types are as follows:

After-sales type After-sales reasons explain the Application of the product condition Review method
Return & refund Product description does not match, the wrong goods, counterfeit products Meets the product integrity standards, GS goods non-quality problems do not accept return refund. Seller reviews
Replacement Product description does not match, wrong product, the counterfeit product Meets the product integrity standard, except for the GS product. Seller reviews
Replacement Parts or missing products, defective Product failure or missing, less Seller review
Refund only (including partial refund and full refund) Does not match product description, wrong goods, counterfeit products, parts or Missing products, defective products Apply to all product Seller review

1. What are the return conditions?

From the day after the customer signs the product (order status is Completed), the product can be returned within 7 days after the product is guaranteed to be in good condition; after this period, we will not accept the return. If the product has a warranty, we recommend that you contact the seller.

Product integrity standards:

The customer shall ensure that the returned product and related accessories (such as tag, manual, warranty card, network card, etc.) are complete, and maintain the original quality, function, no damage, mal-operation, anti-counterfeiting, and activation ( In the case of authorization, etc., there are no signs of use of the appearance of the original, and unreasonable use of personal data. The outer packaging of the product is an integral part of the product, and should be complete when returned, without serious damage or contamination. “Outer packaging” means: the original packaging of the manufacturer (minimum sales unit), and does not include the packaging of the secondary packaging by the seller or the logistics service provider. Loss or damage to the gift and loss of the invoice will not affect the product return. If the gift is damaged or lost, the discount will be processed (10% of the purchase price of the product), and the tax will be shift to customer due to lost of the invoice. Cosmetics, personal care products, books, baby diapers, audio-visual products and other outer packagings are sealed at one time and shall not be unsealed. “Sealing” means that the outer packaging of the product is sealed by the manufacturer (sealing) or integral plastic (tight) packaging.

Supported reasons for return:
Return of Description Note
Defective products Due to seller wrong operation, product defects or damage upon arrival at the buyer. Defect or damage means that the product is severely deformed when it arrives at the buyer, or the internal product is damaged or cannot be used normally.
Doesn’t match product description The product quality doesn't meet the expectations or does not match the description on the webpage/APP. 1. The product description should truly reflect the product characteristics,
2. The product picture and description should be accurate, which can truly reflect the product color and attributes.
Wrong product The goods and additional items within orders delivered to the customer are not the same product as the customer's purchase on SafaOnlineShopping.
Missing parts or product seller did not ship all products or did not send all the components (As explained from the product details) 1. Before sending, make sure you've packed all the items in the "purchased product list",
2. If there are bonus gifts, make sure they are also packaged together.
Counterfeit products Infringe on the trademark rights of other brands and mislead customers to make them authentic.

Please note:
We do not accept returns for the following items:
1. Products purchased by non-SafaOnlineShopping (order serial numbers does not match);
2. Products that exceed the expiry date (Exceed warranty period);
3. Unauthorized repair, misuse, collision, negligence, abuse, into the liquid, accident, alteration, product quality problems caused by improper installation, or torn, altered labels of machine serial number or anti- counterfeiting mark;
4. The warranty card does not match the product and was altered.

2. How to apply for a return?
Please apply for after-sales by:
1. Users log in to APP -> My Order -> Completed module and click Apply After-sales button to apply for after-sales online (please note: more than 7 days after the order is completed, you cannot apply for after-sales.

Return process

Return refund process:

Return and exchange:

Cash return only( no physical return needed) the process:

Resend process: (Due to lack of quantity or components):

3. How do I return my goods after applying for a return?

After applying for online return, we will review it within 48 hours. The result swill be notified to you by SMS. Please pay attention to the progress of your after-sales work order and follow the instructions of the after-sales work order.
Please note: After applying for a return, please pay attention to LiveChat message, we will contact you through the LiveChat message during the review process.
You can send the product to SafaOnlineShopping in the following ways:
1. Make an appointment to pick up service (only support home delivery orders);
if your order was sent to your doorstep directly, then you can choose to make an appointment for return pickup, we will try 3 times in 3 working days. Pick up the return product. However, after 3 picks, the delivery cannot be completed and we will cancel your return request.
2. Placed at the pick-up point when picking up the goods;
if you pick up the goods by picking up the goods, you can place the products that need to be returned at the pick-up point after applying for the sale, we will take them within 3 working days. Return the product and perform quality inspection.
3. The product will be sent to the SafaOnlineShopping after-sales service centre;after the application is made, the buyer needs to return the goods to the local warehouse offline, and if the return is not returned within 30 days, the refund application will be closed.
Note: Please ensure that the returned accessories, instructions, gifts, original packaging and parcels are in good condition and the order number is reserved for return.

4. How do I know the result after returning the product?

We will carefully verify after receiving the product.
If the verification is valid, we will refund you according to the refund method you filled out.
In most cases, this process will not exceed 7 days, but in some cases it may take up to 14 days to submit your return request.
If the test result is invalid, the product will be returned to you.
We track all return requests and use this data to improve our product quality and service, as well as customer analytics. Customers with unreasonable/invalid returns may be rejected for return.
Effective means that the product meets the SafaOnlineShopping return conditions.
Invalid means that the product does not meet the SafaOnlineShopping return conditions.

6. How can I track my progress in sales?

You can check the latest return status in the SafaOnlineShopping APP -> My Orders -> After-sales.

7. How long will I receive a refund?

We will complete the refund within 7 working days from the time you return the processing.

8. I received a product that I didn't buy,What should we do now?

When delivering, please ensure that the delivered items are in good condition and refuse to accept if it does not match your order. If you receive from the pick-up point, you can still apply for a return within 7 days (the product needs to be kept in good condition).

9. Do I have to return all the products in the order?

You don't need to return all the products in the order, you just need to return the goods that need to be returned.

10. Do I have to return a free gift when I return the product?

Yes, you must return the gift you gave when you purchased the product, otherwise it will affect the final refund amount.

11. Do I need to pay for shipping when I return the product?

The shipping cost of the returned product does not require shipping.

12. Will the shipping charges I paid be refunded?

We will refund the shipping cost if all the products from a single order is returned; if partial products from an order are returned, we will not refund the shipping cost.

13. What is the “Shipped From Overseas” return policy?

For products marked "Shipped From Overseas", the return is not accepted in the following cases:

Reason Description
Defective products due to seller error, the product is defective or damaged when it deliver to buyer.
Wrong product The goods and additional items of the order delivered to the customer are not the same to what is showing from SafaOnlineShopping site.

Returns are not accepted under the following conditions:
If the size is not suitable, or the customer does not like the product (color, material, style), we do not accept returns. We recommend that you carefully review the full description of the item and confirm that it meets all of your expectations before placing an order.

14. What should I do if the product lacks parts?

We will take responsibility if you report lost parts when you receive your item. Be sure to double check during pick-up/delivery to confirm that all items (items in the box) are available.

15. How does SafaOnlineShopping conduct quality testing?

When the SafaOnlineShopping after-sales department receives the returned goods, it will check the goods according to the reasons for your application and refer to the return and exchange standards. Please carefully select the reasons for the after-sales and fill in the description of the problem, if the actual test and your application If the description does not match, we will reject your return request and return it.

16. When I received the package, I found that there was a missing product. What should I do?

You can contact our customer service via Livechat from SafaOnlineShopping APP or email us at [email protected]. You should also provide a small product certificate (order screenshot & package photo), we will reissue the missing products within 3 working days, if The product is out of stock and we will refund the price of the item at the time of purchase.

17. What should I do if I am not satisfied with the results?

You can log in to the APP to initiate a complaint, the platform will intervene, and the decision will be made based on the information provided by the buyer and the seller. Once the arbitration is done, the application cannot be made again.

Dear customer, hello, please check whether the package is damaged before signing the order, whether the products in the package are intact. If you find any problems with the goods, you can apply for the return service within 7 days after you signed for your parcel. Our main service types are as follows:

After-sales type After-sales reasons explain the Application of the product condition Review method
Return & refund Product description does not match, the wrong goods, counterfeit products Meets the product integrity standards, GS goods non-quality problems do not accept return refund. Seller reviews
Replacement Product description does not match, wrong product, the counterfeit product Meets the product integrity standard, except for the GS product. Seller reviews
Replacement Parts or missing products, defective Product failure or missing, less Seller reviews
Refund only (including partial refund and full refund) Does not match product description, wrong goods, counterfeit products, parts or Missing products, defective products. Apply to all product Seller reviews